News & Commentaries

New ‘SLICE’ Tool Can Massively Expand Immune System’s Cancer-Fighting Repertoire

San Francisco, CA, USA – Immunotherapy can cure some cancers that until fairly recently were considered fatal. In addition to developing drugs that boost the immune system’s cancer-fighting abilities, scientists are becoming expert at manipulating a patient’s own immune cells, turning them into cancer-killing armies. But cancers have tricks to evade attack, so scientists are racing to outmaneuver cancer and boost the effectiveness of immune cell therapies.

Cancer Stem Cells Get Energy From Protein, and it’s Proving to be their Achilles’ Heel

courtney jones

Aurora, CO, USA – Think of energy metabolism like a party popper: Ripping something apart releases a bang. Most of your cells rip apart sugar to release the “bang” of energy. A University of Colorado Cancer Center (UCCC) study published today in the journal Cancer Cell shows that cancer stem cells switch from metabolizing sugar to metabolizing protein, or more precisely amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

Investigator at Children's Hospital LA Awarded $1.3 Million to Study Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Failure


San Francisco, CA, USA – Currently, the only therapy for metabolic liver disease is an organ transplant. Tracy Grikscheit, MD, an attending physician and regenerative medicine scientist at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, hopes to change that reality. She has been awarded nearly $1.3 million by the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) to study stem cell therapy for liver failure.

ISSCR President Douglas Melton Outlines New Format For the Premier Stem Cell Gathering in 2019

isscr LA 2019

Skokie, IL, USA – Douglas Melton, the President of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) and founding editor of StemBook, outlines in an open letter a new format for the ISSCR Annual Meeting 2019 offering new opportunities and expanded horizons.

Combo Cell Therapy Promotes Healing of Cirrhosis Damaged Liver

niigata news

Durham, NC, USA – A study recently published in Stem Cells Translational Medicine (SCTM) describes a new cell therapy that shows promise in treating cirrhosis of the liver. The treatment, a combination of mesenchymal stem cells and induced bone marrow-derived macrophages, reduced fibrosis and promoted regeneration of cirrhosis-damaged liver in tests on mice.

How Invading Jumping Genes Are Thwarted

carnegie news

Baltimore, MD, USA – Since Carnegie Institution’s Barbara McClintock received her Nobel Prize on her discovery of jumping genes in 1983, we have learned that almost half of our DNA is made up of jumping genes – called transposons. Given their ability of jumping around the genome in developing sperm and egg cells, their invasion triggers DNA damage and mutations.

Twenty Years On, Measuring the Impact of Human Stem Cells

wisconsin news

Madison, WI, USA – In November 1998, the world was introduced to human embryonic stem cells, the blank slate cells that arise at the earliest stages of development and that go on to become any of the scores of cell types that make up a human. In a succinct paper published in the journal Science and heralded around the world, University of Wisconsin–Madison developmental biologist James Thomson described the first successful derivation and culturing of the master cells of life.

Stanford Researchers Develop Tiny Nanostraws to Deliver Molecules to Human Cells Safely and Efficiently

Nicholas Melosh

Stanford, CA, USA – Researchers can design the perfect molecule to edit a gene, treat cancer or guide the development of a stem cell, but none of that will matter in the end if they can’t get their molecule into the human cells they want to manipulate. The solution to that problem, described in a study published October 31 in Science Advances, could be minuscule nanostraws, tiny glass-like protrusions that poke equally tiny holes in cell walls to deliver their cargo.
